How to Increase Instagram followers Quick Solutions


Increasing Instagram followers is not a simple process, but with some simple steps, you can take high flight on your favorite platform. It means no need to purchase followers or use bots, nor any other such fake decision. Here you need only to follow the given easy and simple methods.

Prepare a Strong Marketing Strategy

To make your Instagram effective and popular only followers are not important. You need to make a strong marketing strategy for creating a successful Instagram account and connect it with a large plan. There are several reasons for enhancing your Instagram account such as enhancing brand awareness, product sales, driving traffic to your website, and so on. Set your goals for the purpose and create a compelling story to attract followers to your profile.


Use Impressive Keywords

Use interesting keywords instead of text; in fact, name and username are two main factors to be searched frequently. Use your brand name as your username with variation so people take interest and are attracted to your account. Similarly, you can create a unique name using 30 characters by adding a unique keyword that will take people to your account.


Unique Content Creation

Create unique and impressive content that attracts the attention of others to compel them to follow your account. For this purpose you should follow the given instructions;

  • Add amazing captions using inspiring words at first, so people attentively read. You can ask a question to create curiosity among people to comment on your post. You can add interesting emojis also.
  • Post photos of different places with long captions to attract the audience.
  • Try to create unique and interesting content that will be re-shared by followers to attract more followers to your account.

Create Embracing Instagram Stories

Uploading a compelling story defining your brand or business strategy makes your account powerful as around 45% of stories uploaded on Instagram are related to business. It is a constant source, so not stop it, and continue to uploading process gradually. It is the best method to highlight your brand or business information to attract new followers.


Use Relevant Hashtags

Hashtags may be the most reliable way of searching for something new and special. Create unique hashtags for your brand or business that enable people to come to your account and follow you. For this purpose you should follow the given instructions;

  1. Use up to 30 hashtags for one post and try to create unique and impressive instead of going overboard.
  2. Tag the physical location of your business to compel the customers to click on tags to view entire details and photos of your business.
  3. Tag the relevant users featured in your posts. The tagged users in return will try to engage with your account and share your content also.
  4. You can request your contacts to tag you to introduce your Insta account to their audience.
  5. You can use other social media platforms to promote your Insta account. Just share your Insta account link on other networks and request your friends to follow your Insta account.
  6. Embedding Instagram posts on your blog can also attract new followers to your account.
  7.  Print a QR code to tuck on your name badge for users to easily access to your account.
  8. You can follow any brand to work with influencers.

Pin Effective Comments

Get followers using the pinning of comments that are limited to up to three pins for each post? You can use any one of the two methods given below.

  1. Add a caption with 2,200 characters for extension by selecting the pinned comments. In this way, you can continue the storytelling that is perfectly suitable for some accounts.
  2. Select your favorite comments of other users and pin them.

AR Filter Creation

AR filters allow you to capture photos using the front and back of your phone’s camera. The AR filters are now easily available for live creation as they exist in the profile of your Instagram. The filter created by you can be used by anyone, and it will be used, your name will appear in the top left corner. The clickable option can attract new visitors easily.


Use Advertisement

Advertisement is another legitimate and effective process of increasing followers, but it is not freeware, and you need to spend some money.  It is better to advertise on Story and Explorer feed instead of feed, it will viewed by multiple people and interested people will join you instantly. Additionally, Instagram Insights is also helpful as it informs you about the impressions, reach engagement, top posts, and so on.


Create Attractive Bio

You are eligible to write 150 characters to describe yourself on Instagram. You have to describe your identity, reason of creating the account, your job, details of your business, phone number, and a link. Keep in mind the in-bio link is the only clickable link, so apply it clearly.


Post on Perfect Time

You can figure out the correct time for posting on Instagram, such as checking your ‘Insights’ to know at what time most of the users are online. It is a simple process, just open your ‘Insights’, scroll down, and click on ‘See All’, the option will display the most active time of your Instagram audience. Similarly, upload cooking recipes at the time of lunch and dinner. 


Constant Posting

According to a 2021 study of 14 industries, it is necessary to upload four posts on Instagram weekly. But, it is better to upload one post on a daily basis, because which brand or business shares regular posts and gets fruitful results? Try to upload authentic content with the best quality and share it regularly. It will reverberate with your audience and Instagram algorithms will display your post on top of the feed. 

Work Process of Instagram Algorithm

The switching between chronological feed and ranked timeline may be embarrassing, but it makes your post 50% more times seen by followers. You will find six factors on your timeline that perform as given below;

  1. Interest; gives details of liking posts by any person on a previous activity basis.
  2. Timeliness; the detail of the recent post.
  3. Relationship; person’s engagement with accounts.
  4. Frequency; the time period used on Instagram by the person.
  5. Following; is the detail of accounts followed by the person.
  6. Usage; the quantity of time spent on Instagram.

Final Words

So, friends, it’s upon you, how do you maintain your engagement with your followers? It will grow stronger, and when they trust you, and love your posts and other visual content, they will share it, and the way you are capable of getting more and more followers. So make a concern to create informative as well as inspirational content to share, and get great profit in return without going to any wrong way to get success.


Q: How can I get over 1000 followers on Instagram?

You need to follow some tips, i.e. create a unique bio, engage with your followers, post on time, use your voice as a brand, and so on.

Q: Can I earn money from Instagram?

You can earn money only with sponsored posts, otherwise, Instagram doesn’t pay you any money directly. 

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